domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

DOMINGO dìa de futbol, hay que apoyar a "esta" seleccion argentina

vamos vamos Argentina... vamo, vamo a aa gaaanaaa mamiiii

“No veas el divorcio como un naufragio, este te brinda la oportunidad de volver a gritar ¡¡ Tierra a la vista!!” (Abel Desestress)

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Que las pongan de espaldas frente a la portería del equipo contrario.

Unknown dijo...

It is with regret that we announce the passing of Abel Martin Lopez Rodriquez, the Massage Therapist/Musician/Song Writer/Soloist and Blogger.

His Healing Hands will be missed by many. His motto to awake each morning with a smile and say Thank You for one more day and to live that Day to it's Fullest as it could be your last, will be remember BY ALL.